John | Robert E. Lee Class of 2016

August 31, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

John is a senior this year at Robert E. Lee High School. Ironically, I took the very first picture of John on the day he was born 17 years ago.  I was reminded of this when Sharon, his mom, contacted me for John's senior session.  She said, "You took the first picture of John when he was born and now I want you to take his senior pictures." Oh my! I have to admit, I teared up a little. Sharon carried those same photos with her as she came to John's session.  She pulled open the folder and as we looked through the pictures, Sharon kept saying, "I love these pictures!" It didn't matter to her in the least that that were a little out of focus and that I had printed them at home from my ink jet printer. The photos are sweet memories for her and she loves them. She has obviously treasured them for 17 years! I am so proud of John and the young man he has become.  Honestly, you'll never meet a more polite, well-mannered, and handsome young man. I mean, John's blue eyes bring a whole new meaning to "big blue eyes"...absolutely gorgeous!! 

John, have a great senior year and create lots of memories that you will treasure! I hope I can be there to capture that moment when you walk across the stage to get your diploma! I enjoyed spending time with you at your session.  Here are some of my favorites. Your entire gallery is HERE.


Visit John's Gallery HERE.


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