Tech Tuesday | Memory Card Tips

August 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment



If you own a camera these days, it most likely has some sort of memory card.  There are some right ways and some very wrong ways to handle your memory card. I don't know if it has ever happened to you, but believe me it only takes a second to lose all the precious photographs stored on your memory card. 

I found an article over at SLR lounge that is very helpful on how to handle your memory cards to avoid the disaster of losing your images. I follow these tips and you should to.  If you have never experienced losing your images, just realize that it's not a matter of if you are going to lose photos from a memory card...the question is WHEN will it happen?


1. Removing The Card While It’s In Use

If the memory card is in a card reader or in the camera, taking it out before the files are fully written is a no-no. You risk disrupting the file structure that every device develops with unique formatting and numbering sequences. When you are done moving or taking pictures, give the device 30 seconds to finish. You also should use a specific card for each device because the cards are formatted to match the specifications of each device, a process that can introduce errors. Your odds of recovery are good in this situation, but the risks are still great, so stick to one card per device.

2. Be Careful Formatting And Deleting Pics

Some camera models employ a very destructive way to permanently delete photos while others use a method that allows them to be recovered. Err towards moving photos to a computer instead of manually formatting and deleting them within the camera to ensure you don’t delete that perfect shot. The chance of recovery is essentially zero for files that are trashed by accident and are subject to destructive deletion.

3. Don’t Be A “Backfiller”

Backfilling is shooting new photos in the place of deleted ones. The problem is the new photos will try to fill digital “holes” left by the deleted pictures, which can cause serious file problems. Recovery is usually impossible in these situations, so be careful of deleting pictures in-camera.



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