Friday Feature | Evernote

August 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment


On this week's Friday Feature I want to share one of my favorite apps to help get you organized.  Evernote is an app for your phone, computer, or tablet that can change the way you organize your work, personal information, recipes, and your favorite articles from the web that you want to read later....really anything you can think of that needs organizing! The app is organized into notebooks and notes and you can think of it the same way you would use a filing cabinet with file folders. You can attach pictures, files, voice memos, and audio right to your note. There are three different versions of Evernote.  To get started, you will want to try the FREE version.  It has its limitations, but it is a perfect way to get to know Evernote without having to spend any money. Later on, if you decide that Evernote is for you, then you can upgrade to Evernote Plus and even Evernote Premium for a yearly fee. Evernote provides a browser extension so you can use it to clip from the web directly to the app. 

You can download the app or you can use the web version.  Either way, everything in Evernote instantly syncs across any computer or phone you use. This allows you to access and add to Evernote from any device.  By creating Notebooks and adding notes to it, you can share, collaborate, and discuss in real time with the people who help you get your work done without switching apps or leaving your workspace.
Here are some ways I use Evernote.
  • To store and create email templates
  • To store product keys / software licenses
  • Clips from the web to read later
  • Vacation information..reservations, tickets, etc
  • Pricing guides that can easily be shared
  • Medical Records / Medication Lists
  • To save important email messages
  • Storing "Keepers" from my "little pretties"
  • Grocery List (You can share this with the whole family and whoever is in the store can pick up items and cross them off.  You will always have an updated list.)
  • To take notes
  • Future Blog Posts/Ideas
  • To do list
  • Save documents
  • Store passwords
  • If I cooked, I'd store recipes :)
  • Insurance Information
  • Keeping a journal
  • Digital Rolodex by snapping pics of business cards and storing them in Evernote.  You will always have them with you.
The list goes on and on and on.  You should definitely check it out! You will love it, I promise. The more you add to it, the more useful it becomes.  Leave me a comment if you use Evernote and tell me the ways you use it.  If you find this blog post helpful, let me know.
Have a great day!


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